Our Services


A good overall strategy is vital in growing a business. Before we begin any project, we figure out the how, the what and most importantly, the why. We spend time with you to understand your customers, competitors and other market trends to ensure that your company's marketing is underpinned by a strong strategy, always keeping the outcomes you want in mind.


Branding is often one of the most important (and undervalued) aspects of who you are as a business. Your brand is more than just a logo. It's a statement about who you are and what type of customers you're looking for. Your brand can convey a huge amount of information to your potential customers and create trust and loyalty because they like how it feels. They emotionally understand where your company sits in the world.

Website Design
& Development

Your website design determines how most people judge the integrity of your business and the services you offer. Professional and visually engaging website designs tend to promote trust. On the other hand, outdated, slow and unprofessional website designs make users question your credibility. We don't just "make it pretty" with the websites we create. We deeply consider your site's user experience (UX) by putting the users first. We want our sites to be effortlessly used and drive action from those who engage with them.

Digital Marketing

Using digital marketing techniques, you can reach a global audience in a way that’s cost-effective, scalable and measurable. The potential customers you can find online is a much larger group than you’ll ever be able to attract through other methods, and can underpin the entire way your business brings in new work.

Video Production
& Post Production

Video is an incredibly powerful tool to connect with an audience. Anyone worth their salt can create work that looks great, but so what? Who cares how good it looks if the message is off, the piece is self-serving, or no consideration has been taken into what you want your audience to do after watching? Video is a means to an end, and there needs to be a strategy behind it. This is where our expertise in the video helps us lead the way in creating some of the most effective content out there.


The most common reason people think a website "looks good" is the quality of the imagery. We all know the saying about how many words a picture can convey, and it's right. More importantly, it can convey the things you can't put into words. It can convey emotion, which is what we want all of our photography to do. Using quality, professional photography across your website, social media, and other digital channels catches the reader's interest and increases how often someone will interact with your brand.

Business Naming

Your business name defines the nature of your business and its identity. A unique business name will help people easily identify your company and the products and services you offer. Whether you’re just starting a business or are evolving into something new, we can create a memorable name you’ll be proud of.

Sales Pipeline

To create the best and most seamless customer experience possible, we need to know where the gaps are. We’ll spend the time with you to explore and refine your sales pipeline, which is about identifying the steps in your story. This starts with your first interaction with the customer, be that outbound marketing or an inbound enquiry, and the actions you move them through to progress them to a sale. What often emerges from this process are opportunities for efficiencies, better and tighter sales processes, and cost savings in labour by creating tried and tested workflows. It also gets everyone on the same page regarding how your business operates – which means better internal communication and customer service.

Topline / Tagline Strategy

“Which Bank?”, “Lucky you’re with AAMI”, “We’re Happy Little Vegemite’s” you get the idea! Taglines should be about – Why should I choose you? A good tagline helps your business be set apart from other companies that provide similar services or products. When a business uses a tagline over time, it can become one of the most memorable parts of its brand identity. Customers may be more likely to remember your brand. Be it from your products or services, taglines help get potential customers to choose your brand over your competitor.

Branding & Logo Design

When we look at branding, it’s not just about designing a logo you like the look of. It’s about understanding where you sit in the market and who your company is/wants to be. We then use that strategy to create a brand, which includes logo design, brand guidelines, positioning, strategy and complete brand styling. We pride ourselves on creating brands that are genuinely memorable but also effective. We’ve built brands for multiple Australian companies.

Brand Guidelines

Brand guidelines can support marketing initiatives by ensuring that all the messaging is relevant and related to your company’s goals. Brand guidelines communicate your company’s design standards to your whole group and third parties. This reference will make life easier for your staff, designers, developers, writers, and anyone who works alongside your company. It gives them a solid framework to use as a starting point for their work. A brand style guide ensures that the content is distinguishable, differentiates itself from your competitors, and creates brand cohesion. This cohesion is necessary because it establishes a strong brand voice that resonates with the audience, which is essential for building brand awareness.

Graphic Design

Graphic design is vital in communicating your message, and its importance can never be overstated. Graphic design helps to create a professional brand image. This professional image helps to build trust and credibility in the hearts of your customers. We can provide graphic design services across all media and platforms, from giant scale advertisements to social media posts. All of our design work is based on a comprehensive strategy and executed professionally and at the highest quality.

Print & Collateral Design

We can design a wide range of marketing materials for your business such as business cards, letterheads and presentation templates to much larger projects such as print ads and outdoor signage. We always ensure that whatever we design is professional and consistent with your brand.

Website Design & Development

Potential customers get their first impression of your company by checking out your website. They form an opinion about your business in a matter of seconds, so you should focus on leaving a lasting, positive effect on your audience by ensuring your website is appealing and easy to use. Your website design determines how most people judge the integrity of your business and the services you offer. Professional and visually engaging website designs tend to promote trust, while outdated, slow and unprofessional website designs, on the other hand, make users question your credibility. Combining a good user experience and polished design will result in a more engaging website and more enquiries.

Website Updates & Maintenance

Simply having your website up and running is not enough. Regularly updating and maintaining your site is important to ensure that it is running at its full capacity, and you can run into issues if it’s not properly managed. Properly maintaining your site helps to ensure its security, increase the number of visitors, boost returning traffic, create updated content and more. The types of updates and maintenance include:

* Making sure that plugins are up-to-date
* Monitoring links and repairing instantly if broken
* Checking responsiveness for any new blog content
* Website backups
* Website speed optimisations
* Creation of new web pages

Google Ads

If you aren’t showing up on Google, your business doesn’t exist in most people’s minds. This is how people find everything now, so you must have a presence on Google. Google offers different ways of advertising to your potential customers. Some campaigns will include one or all options the Google Ads platform can offer. Over 90% of all searches are done through Google and their partner networks, meaning that you have a massive audience from which to attract business. We work daily on our clients’ campaigns, ensuring they are optimised and managed correctly, rather than the “set and forget” mentality of most agencies in this space.


In a competitive world with many other established companies, it is almost impossible to appear on the first page of results without active Search engine optimisation (SEO) work. SEO has three main aspects: on-page, off-page, and technical. SEO aims to get your business to appear in Google’s organic search results for keywords that are relevant to your business.. This essentially means that the website has to be set up correctly from a code-based, technical point of view so that Google can crawl it effectively while having relevant content on the website that relates to the target keywords. From there, links to the website have to be proactively generated to increase its overall authority and assist with higher rankings. Sound like a bunch of jargon? That’s ok! Let our nerds do all this while you have to respond to the deluge of leads you’ll be receiving.

Organic Social Media

Constant social media marketing is a mission-critical growth method for most businesses. Having a solid social media presence is essential to reach a larger target audience and help connect with potential clients. This is done by consistently posting in your account to keep your audience engaged with your brand. Organic Social Media is one of the most effective marketing methods to grow audience engagement, establish your brand presence and drive sales. We will manage your social media accounts and help boost your online presence.

Paid Social Media

Our paid social ads strategy is broken down into three parts:

1) Research and Development

2) Content Curation

3) Implementation

We will work with you to create a social media strategy. Ads are excellent and when supported by great content, can reach a broad audience. We will research your current social media presence (if applicable) and dig into what some of your major competitors are doing across social platforms. To maximise engagement, we would also look at customer segmentation and, depending on your needs, may break down your potential customers by sending varying content messaging. Lastly, look at the implementation strategy and schedule your ads to the right place and time. When your campaign is live, we will monitor forensically, making any significant adjustments to ensure we bring you the best results possible. We will continue watching your ad response rate, provide you with a comprehensive End Of Month analytics report, and make adjustments for the weeks ahead.

Creative Video

Anomaly started as a video production company over seven years ago before evolving into a full-service agency. In that time, we’ve created hundreds of videos for businesses large and small. Occasionally, a company or government department wants to make a creative video to communicate its story. We have a HUGE amount of experience in this area. Instead of the structure of other agencies, where they outsource the production and mark it up by as much as 70%, we do everything in-house, meaning you can get the champagne product on the beer budget.

Corporate / Explainer

Anomaly’s bread and butter video work are Corporate Videos and Testimonials. These, of course, can come in any shape and size, from 30 seconds to 15 second social posts or more. What makes our corporate videos different is our focus on storytelling. We take time to shape the messaging of the video, work on the questions and answers with you, and provide experienced direction on the day so that the people in front of the camera are confident, polished and present your company in the best light. Most companies will show up and “shoot the interview”, putting a bunch of cutaways over the top that makes no sense to what’s being talked about. This is common trap clients fall into.

Home Page Video

One of the best ways for customers to instantly have an understanding of what you do is with an effective home page video and it is much more invigorating than a static image. While it is only 20 seconds, those 20 seconds will sell to you customers your mission statements, and your values. More importantly than that, when they arrive on your site, they instantly feel something, and it’s this emotional connection that begins your future customer’s journey in choosing you. Home Page videos create a big, high-end feel to your site, and change what is normally just a static image into something vibrant, modern and dynamic.


The TVC isn’t quite dead just yet! It’s still a good way for some companies to communicate with audiences, but it’s not for everyone. Some companies we’ve worked with include Mitsubishi, Mazda, Suzuki and SA Health which were all campaigns aimed at different demographics. With good storytelling, high-quality production, and outstanding post-production services, we’ll be with you from the very start to collaboratively plan and execute a video that will stand out from the crowd.


Animation is excellent for explaining complicated concepts or sometimes communicating dry information in a friendlier way. Sometimes an idea is best described in animated form. We have extensive experience creating animation videos for companies like Stellan Capital, ElectraNet, A&D and AMOS.

Website Photography

People can spot stock photo imagery from a mile off. If we create a website and use stock, we spend a lot of time finding quality stock imagery that looks specific to you, rather than the “corporate guys in the glass walled office shaking hands and laughing” vibe. Where possible, we always recommend having bespoke photography for your website, as it adds a level of uniqueness for visitors. Custom photography helps create credibility and professionalism for your products or services, which can help convert leads.

Social Media Photography

We offer content creation for your social media that is unique to your brand. Whether it is products or services you are selling, we create bespoke photography that is visually engaging for social media to increase customer engagement.


Having your headshots professionally taken is essential, as it brings out the best first impression when someone sees you on your website, LinkedIn profile, resume, etc. A professional headshot reinforces credibility and professionalism even before your customers meet you in person.

Video / Photo Guide

Not everyone can afford to have a photographer or videographer come out to their business whenever something needs to be captured for social media. Most can’t! Our Video/Photo guide is a comprehensive “how to” on creating great content for your social pages, websites, EDMs – anything you need. We’ve given specific settings on iPhone’s and Samsung’s and tips and tricks to get the best out of your content – without the price tag. This is great for staff to use when something comes up that they know will be great for your social channels – and ensures that your self-made content is a little better than the rest.

Latest Notebook

It’s no secret that online videos are strong marketing tools due to their easy to digest format and can set you apart from the